Armpit Sniffing Study Reveals That the Most Fertile Women Smell Best to Men

By A Mystery Man Writer

Scent is thought to play an import role in who we find attractive.

Armpit sniffing study reveals when women smell most attractive

Eau de BO: The allure of sweat

Body odour: High level of reproductive hormones attracts men, study shows

Enjoy sniffing other people's body odour? You may have an unusually high SEX DRIVE, study finds

Surprising Things Your Body Odor Is Trying To Tell You

Smell You Later: The Weird Science of How Sweat Attracts

Brain Sciences, Free Full-Text

The Scent of a Woman - Neuroscience News

Sniffing body odour is tested as an anxiety therapy

Why Do I Like the Smell of My Boyfriend's Body Odor?

Is a New Remedy for Body Odor on the Horizon?

Having a Male Scent That Fills Women with Lust

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